Demo laeft perfekt unter Linux/ runs perfectly with Linux

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Demo laeft perfekt unter Linux/ runs perfectly with Linux

Postby george_linux » 7. October 2006, 13:51 Cedega

I have been testing the demo and it runs fine with Cedega (latest version from - most serious linux gamers should support this software and buy it). Just type

cedega bsengine.exe

from the command prompt in the appropriate directory.

Sound etc work perfectly to, no graphics problems. Im using SuSE 9.3

I did however have the game crash once after I put the laxative in the drink. I think this may have been because I was fiddling with the configuration file, changing the language to "en".

Its good to know you used open technlolgies like "ogg" and "openGL" to make this game! I presume as you say a linux version is possible, that your design software allows you to export to linux? I suppose that you dont want to support such a version, so you said that you will do it "in the future"? I would be willing to support such a version for all linux users. I have been using linux for over 4 years now as my main OS.

I will try and support german users too:

Ich habe das Demo probiert und es lauft perfekt unter Linux, mit Cedega. Es ist gut zu wissen dass Sie offene Technlogien wie "ogg" und "openGL" fuer das Spiel nutzen. Ich habe mir gedacht, dass sie sagen dass eine Linux version "eventuell" herausgeben werden, weil sie einfach technische support nicht geben wollen obwohl die Software ein Linux Binar zu exportieren kann (bzw auch Mac)?!

Ich werde gern Leute helfen die Probleme mit Linux und BS 2.5 haben.

(Ja ich weiss mein Grammatik ist weit von Perfekt, ich hoffe dass Sie alles verstehen koennen)
Posts: 3
Joined: 7. October 2006, 13:37

Postby Tooms » 7. October 2006, 16:55

I linked your post in our FAQs. Thanks for writing down the way you've found to play Broken Sword 2.5 on Linux.
Sebastian Nisi
Sebastian Nisi
Posts: 2950
Joined: 29. April 2002, 16:17
Played Broken Sword games: 1-3

Postby george_linux » 7. October 2006, 17:09

No problem.

It doesnt work very well under wine (the free version of the windows API for linux), seems like its a problem with the refresh rate. I might be able to get it running better with the latest versions thou. I will check and post if i get anywhere.
Posts: 3
Joined: 7. October 2006, 13:37

Postby Doener » 26. November 2006, 14:11


I tried the demo with Wine 0.9.25. I wasn't fullscreen and after a while the game crashed with this error message:

Code: Select all
Broken Sword 2.5 Engine - Build: Jul 24 2006 - 14:20:00 - VersionID: 26fe39331cddecb8a5634d0f81db04c
KERNEL: created.
KERNEL: CPU detected (vendor name: "AuthenticAMD", CPU name: "AMD Athlon(tm) XP 1800+").
KERNEL: CPU features: MMX SSE 3DNow! 3DNow!Ext.
KERNEL: Window created.
KERNEL: Service 'lua' created from superclass 'script'.
SCRIPT: Lua initialized.
KERNEL: Script bindings registered.
PACKAGEMANAGER: Script bindings registered.
KERNEL: Service 'kfs' created from superclass 'package'.
PACKAGEMANAGER: Package 'data.b25c' mounted as '/'.
INPUTENGINE: Script bindings registered.
KERNEL: Service 'winapi' created from superclass 'input'.
GRAPHICENGINE: Script bindings registered.
KERNEL: Service 'opengl' created from superclass 'gfx'.
SOUNDENGINE: Script bindings registered.
KERNEL: Service 'fmod' created from superclass 'sfx'.
GEOMETRY: Script bindings registered.
KERNEL: Service 'std' created from superclass 'geometry'.
err:wave:DSDB_MapBuffer Could not map sound device for direct access (Input/output error)
err:wave:DSDB_MapBuffer Please run winecfg, open "Audio" page and set
"Hardware Acceleration" to "Emulation".
FMODSOUND: ERROR - Could not initialize the FMOD-Library. Sample rate: 44100 / Channels: 32. FMOD error: Error initializing output device. (3).
OPENGLGFX: WARNING - Could not set vsync status. Reason: NO_DRIVER_SUPPORT_FOR_VSYNC
OPENGLGFX: WARNING - Could not set vsync status. Reason: NO_DRIVER_SUPPORT_FOR_VSYNC
RESOURCEMANAGER: WARNING - "/cursors/normal_ani.xml" was not prechached.
RESOURCEMANAGER: WARNING - "/icons/exit.png" was not prechached.
RESOURCEMANAGER: WARNING - "/icons/exit_d.png" was not prechached.
RESOURCEMANAGER: WARNING - "/icons/save.png" was not prechached.
RESOURCEMANAGER: WARNING - "/icons/save_d.png" was not prechached.
RESOURCEMANAGER: WARNING - "/icons/load.png" was not prechached.
RESOURCEMANAGER: WARNING - "/icons/load_d.png" was not prechached.
RESOURCEMANAGER: WARNING - "/icons/options.png" was not prechached.
RESOURCEMANAGER: WARNING - "/icons/options_d.png" was not prechached.
RESOURCEMANAGER: WARNING - "/icons/scissors.png" was not prechached.
RESOURCEMANAGER: WARNING - "/icons/scissors_d.png" was not prechached.
RESOURCEMANAGER: WARNING - "/icons/shirt.png" was not prechached.
RESOURCEMANAGER: WARNING - "/icons/shirt_d.png" was not prechached.
RESOURCEMANAGER: WARNING - "/icons/newspaper.png" was not prechached.
RESOURCEMANAGER: WARNING - "/icons/newspaper_d.png" was not prechached.
RESOURCEMANAGER: ERROR - Responsible service could not load resource "/rooms/_default/sfx/step.ogg".
RESOURCEMANAGER: ERROR - Could not precache "/rooms/_default/sfx/step.ogg",
RESOURCEMANAGER: ERROR - Responsible service could not load resource "/rooms/dus/music/intro.ogg".
RESOURCEMANAGER: ERROR - Could not precache "/rooms/Dus/music/intro.ogg",
RESOURCEMANAGER: WARNING - "/rooms/dus/music/intro.ogg" was not prechached.
RESOURCEMANAGER: ERROR - Responsible service could not load resource "/rooms/dus/music/intro.ogg".
FMODSOUND: ERROR - Could not request resource "/rooms/dus/music/intro.ogg".
KERNEL: Active service 'opengl' disconnected from superclass 'gfx'.
KERNEL: Active service 'kfs' disconnected from superclass 'package'.
KERNEL: Active service 'winapi' disconnected from superclass 'input'.
KERNEL: Active service 'fmod' disconnected from superclass 'sfx'.
KERNEL: Active service 'lua' disconnected from superclass 'script'.
KERNEL: Active service 'std' disconnected from superclass 'geometry'.
KERNEL: Window destroyed.
KERNEL: destroyed.

A native Broken Sword 2.5 version for Linux would be very nice. Maybe you can choose a free license so that the final game can be ported to Linux by the community and maybe become even a part of some Linux distributions.
Posts: 2
Joined: 26. November 2006, 14:06

Postby |G-[m]-R| » 4. February 2007, 16:24

I use Ubuntu 6.10 and I can play the BS2.5 Demo with WINE without any Problems. I think there is no need to use Cedega.

I used Wine 0.9.22.

But I just played about 10 minutes. When I'm done with my work, I'll play the full demo and report status :)
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Joined: 5. September 2006, 22:28

Postby george_linux » 26. April 2007, 16:27

RE the Error you experienced above: I think it is to do with your sound drivers.

err:wave:DSDB_MapBuffer Could not map sound device for direct access (Input/output error)
err:wave:DSDB_MapBuffer Please run winecfg, open "Audio" page and set
"Hardware Acceleration" to "Emulation".
Posts: 3
Joined: 7. October 2006, 13:37

Re: Demo laeft perfekt unter Linux/ runs perfectly with Linux

Postby LaughingOutLoud » 24. September 2008, 20:05

Ich habe mir gerade mal Cedega angeschafft und versuche nun die BS25 Eninge Demo damit laufen zu Lassen..
Das funktioniert auch alles wunderbar und einwandtfrei!
Ich bekomme keine Fehlermeldung etc.
Das spiel startet. Das Bild ist zwar zu Anfang viel zu groß für den Monitor und man sieht nur die Hälfte, aber nach einem Wechsel zur Konsole mit STRG + ALT + F1 und einem Wechsel zurück ins Spiel mit STRG + ALT + F7 ist das Bild nun auf die Größe des Monitors angepasst.
Alles läuft super, auch der Sound.
Es ist nur eine Sache merkwürdig: George geht nicht durch die Welt, sondern rennt schon fast. Es sieht aus als wenn die Animation einfach viel zu schnell abgespielt wird. Weiß jemand woran das liegen könnte?

Danke schonmal für eure Antwort :) ;)
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Joined: 16. September 2006, 14:13

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