Broken Sword 1.5

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Broken Sword 1.5

Postby kami » 22. October 2006, 13:51

A lot of time has happened(passed) since in 1996 the first broken sword was created. Now in 2006, many things have changed. Broken sword 1, the legend of the templarios, and broken sword 4, the angel of the death. There are big differences between these games, and I am sure that to all the fans and fans of the saga the part that mas they like me was the 1 º. Well, so(then,since) I believe that if we all join, we speak with the fans of the whole world, we leave messages in all the pages related to the broken, etc... All the fans were pressing to chat cecil to create a broken sword 1.5 since(as,like) in his(her,your) day they did to obtain a broken sword 4. That pensais? I believe that we can obtain it. Serious it marvellous be able to return to live through the broken in 2d as that of the whole life, with george with his(her,your) typical jacket and his(her,your) trousers and his(her,your) physicist of always. Good since here I leave the topic in order that opineis. I believe that the not this idea not badly at all and that podria make real. Charles cecil tardaria one year in doing the game and ganaria many mas money and success.
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Postby BF Rul0r » 25. October 2006, 16:16

uhm...what exactly do you want to say to us? i dont get it... [smilie=book.gif]
BF Rul0r
Posts: 33
Joined: 17. September 2006, 21:19

Postby Nemox » 1. December 2006, 19:45

Anscheinend will er mit Hilfe der BF-Fans Charles Cecil dazu bewegen, einen fünften BF-Teil zu entwickeln, der technisch und in Hinblick auf die Geschichte zwischen dem ersten und zweiten Teil angesiedelt ist.

Zum Großteil habe ich seinen Text aber auch nicht verstanden.
Posts: 101
Joined: 26. July 2003, 17:24
Played Broken Sword games: 1-3

Postby AGH » 4. December 2006, 22:10

Apart from been a Charles Cecil 2D Broken Sword fan, it will be hard to understand that mix of Spanglish (Spanisch-Englisch) maked with "Power Translator 10" that finally isn't enough English nor Spanish.

I think this guy is an extremely 2D fan who hates new 3D games. But my friend, in this life nothing is black or white only, and as he sais, Mr. Cecil will not win so much money with 2D as he does with 3D. The new Broken Swords are the price of progress and technology and aren't so bad after all, don't you think? (Apart from some moveable boxes [smilie=bash.gif] ).

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