Yes, I have finished the game already after about 8-9 hours. It was great, for an unofficial group, that is. It was really like BS1 & BS2. Thank you for the hard work guys. The Embassy of Lithuania should thank Sarunas Ledas too. We really know what was his work. The Lithuanian flag has never been so many times represented in a game ever
![icon_cheesygrin [smilie=icon_cheesygrin.gif]](./images/smilies/icon_cheesygrin.gif)
If you allow me to say something, I'd say that perhaps some places were a bit empty of descriptions. There should have more of them. I've only seen a non translated sentence into English. In Portugal, the description of the chocolate in the Souvenir Shop is not translated and it says "No translation found to "$$XXXX (a number)" to "English" or something like that. There are other places were the traslation seems to be shorter than what George is saying.
The other thing I'd like to express is that the situation may look forced sometimes. The transitions between one place and another and the goal of the mission change faster than a player might expect. I know you have been working on it these last couple of months, but still some situations and conversations seemed to be a bit forced. The final scene is also too fast. There should have been a cinematic or some other screens to explain how you enter the final temple. Everything happens so fast that the player do not realise that the game is finishing, ever after Brai's explanation.
A final matter: Do you realise that Stobbart has never been in Germany?
![oops [smilie=oops.gif]](./images/smilies/oops.gif)
. Perhaps if a 2.6 version is released?
![thumbup [smilie=thumbup.gif]](./images/smilies/thumbup.gif)
Thank you again for your hard work. The game was overwhelming.
Yes, I have finished the game already after about 8-9 hours. It was great, for an unofficial group, that is. It was really like BS1 & BS2. Thank you for the hard work guys. The Embassy of Lithuania should thank Sarunas Ledas too. We really know what was his work. The Lithuanian flag has never been so many times represented in a game ever [smilie=icon_cheesygrin.gif].
If you allow me to say something, I'd say that perhaps some places were a bit empty of descriptions. There should have more of them. I've only seen a non translated sentence into English. In Portugal, the description of the chocolate in the Souvenir Shop is not translated and it says "No translation found to "$$XXXX (a number)" to "English" or something like that. There are other places were the traslation seems to be shorter than what George is saying.
The other thing I'd like to express is that the situation may look forced sometimes. The transitions between one place and another and the goal of the mission change faster than a player might expect. I know you have been working on it these last couple of months, but still some situations and conversations seemed to be a bit forced. The final scene is also too fast. There should have been a cinematic or some other screens to explain how you enter the final temple. Everything happens so fast that the player do not realise that the game is finishing, ever after Brai's explanation.
A final matter: Do you realise that Stobbart has never been in Germany? [smilie=oops.gif]. Perhaps if a 2.6 version is released? [smilie=thumbup.gif].
Thank you again for your hard work. The game was overwhelming.